30 • Discussions

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"Reichin! I brought dorayaki—"

"I was the one who bought it."

"Let's eat it together. Oh, Kazutora's already here. Perfect timing." Mikey ignored Mitsuya as he skipped toward Nagarei. He plopped down on the edge of the bed, dumping all the dorayaki and other sweets on the bed while the others flooded into the room.

"I feel like you're not here just to say hi." Reina tried to grab one dorayaki but ended up flopping back onto the bed with a muffled groan because moving hurt like a fucking bitch. Fortunately, Baji was nice enough to grab one for her, even if he did split it in half and take the bigger half for himself.

Fucking asshole.

"We're here to discuss what to do with Kisaki." Draken closed the door, making sure nobody was on the other side, before leaning against it. "Baji already told us everything, including you working with him and Kisaki being the one who arranged Pah's arrest and my stabbing incident."

"Not a fuckin' member."

"You're still temporary captain of the first division until the concluding meeting."

"Los cojones."

"Dunno what the fuck you're talking about."

"That's bullshit." Reina threw her hands up, hissing and flopping back when pain flared in her abdomen. She cut off the boys' concern with a simple, "Cállate el hocico." Reina honestly rarely mixed languages unless she was having an explosive moment or was trying to fuck around. But apparently, Toman had a fear of foreign languages. So, she strived to mix as many languages as possible whenever she talked with them. 

She was getting off the main topic because, "I beat up over half of Valhalla and brought both Baji and Kazutora back, and I'm still temporary captain of the first division? Gimme my motherfuckin' pay already, corruptor."

"Did getting stabbed dull your tongue?"

"Ya want to me to stab ya with a fuckin' plastic spoon, bastard?!"

Draken clamped his mouth shut and shook his head, stepping as far away as possible from the bed despite knowing Nagarei could and would throw something at him. "But seriously, we need to discuss this with you 'cus you were involved, helping Baji, Chifuyu, and Takemitchy, and all."

Falling back to the pillows, Reina let out a string of expletives before begrudgingly sweeping her bangs out of her face. "Fine. Talk. What're you planning to do?"

"The logical solution would be firing Kisaki, right?" Mikey's words were slightly muffled by the dorayaki in his mouth, a bit disappointed the show had ended. "But I wanna hear what you think, Reichin," he said, flashing her a knowing smile. "Everybody here knows what actually happened. Well, Takemitchy and Chifuyu know too, but we didn't invite them. Ah, don't worry, nothing said in this room will leave it."

Reina hummed, slowly pushing herself to a sitting position, only to be scolded by nearly everyone in the room. She sighed, compromising on just propping the pillow up and leaning against it. 

"Firing him now might not be a good idea."

"Hah? Why not?"

"After the stunt Kisaki pulled, saving Manjiro and me and all, even if I didn't get fuckin' saved." She cleared her throat, masking her irritation because it was a fact that while the one who saved her was Baji, there was no denying that Kisaki had stolen most of the spotlight. Plus, it didn't help that Baji was a traitor in that fight. "Anyways, most of Toman respects him now," Reina stated, ignoring her own outburst. "I'm guessing you already know our lack of proof regarding Kisaki's scheme? Yeah. If you kick him out without any solid proof, many members will lose their respect for you."

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