87 • Welcome to Osaka

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"Can I ask you something?"

Glancing from the road to the rearview mirror, she wondered what was making him so nervous. Sure, Harui was the one driving since Akise and Anggita had things to do in Tokyo, and they didn't have any good memories of Harui. But it wasn't like she would let Harui hurt them. Of course, it wasn't like Harui would or wanted to hurt them.

"Sure, why not?"

"That we would fight despite knowing we would've lost...did you predict that?"

"Oh." Resisting the urge to chuckle because it was cute how Kokonoi, as well as Inui, looked so uneasy with that idea, Reina offered them a playful smile. "There's no way I can predict something like that, right?"


"I mean it when I said I trust your judgment, and by that, I mean I trust both of you." Leaning against the seat, she closed her eyes and sighed. "But I won't lie that I did it in a rush, other than because I was on the verge of passing out and possibly dying, was because I have a feeling it'll only be between this and that."

Furrowing his eyebrows, Inui looked at Kokonoi, who was already looking at him, and shrugged, nodding his head at Reina. With a huff, Inui asked, "This and that?"

Her nails tapped against the seat—once, twice, thrice. "Hajime would've pulled back just so we could have a better chance at winning. You might even try to strike up an agreement with Tenjiku, one that will advantage you even if the odds are stacked against you...and I know you would've succeeded." Since the Mucho incident, she knew that was the route Kokonoi would've taken, even if it meant he had to sacrifice himself.

"Seishu, on the other hand, would've insisted on fighting. Whether it be for pride or revenge or honor...even if you have to do it alone...you'll fight." Much like most of the others, Inui only knew how to go forward, never caring for the detours or roundabouts.

"And you just knew we would follow Inupi's stupid plan?"

"Of course not." Shaking her head, she chuckled. "Ah, this is on me though. I misphrased my intentions." Then again, she didn't have much time to think back then. "When I said I trust both of your judgments, I meant I trust whatever decision you both decided to make after discussing your clashing ideas."


This time, both Harui and Reina exploded into fits of giggles at their synced exclamations. The eldest Hokusei immediately clamped his mouth as he kept his eyes on the road—more like, he was making it a point to turn his eyes into flashlights with the intensity of his stare. "Sorry." He didn't sound sorry as he snickered. "I'll be quiet."

Clearing her throat, Reina turned her head to smile at them. "Well, you both must've talked it out, right? Because I, for one, know that neither of you would've given in, especially if the situation was that bad, and Seishu doesn't exactly have a charming mouth that could've convinced the entire gang to go through that suicide mission. Sure, Black Dragon respects you more than they do Hajime, partly because you have a long history with the gang, coming from the first gen and all. But they wouldn't go as far as to die with you. Hajime must've helped you convince them, right?"

Glancing at each other, they didn't know whether 'talk it out' was the right word since it was more of a 'punch the trauma and misunderstandings and suppressed emotions out' kind of situation.

"You talked it out, didn't you?"

"We did." Well, let's spare the girl with a cracked skull, a shattered arm, and a dislocated wrist the complex details. Clearing his throat, Kokonoi asked her again, "So, how did you know we would go with Inupi's plan?"

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