80 • Retaliation

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On top of the stacks of cargo, three boys sat and watched the whole fight. "You look like you had fun," Kisaki drawled, glaring down at the battle. "But it seems like Tenjiku is having a hard time crushing Toman and Black Dragon."

"You think so?" Gesturing to Mochi, who was battling against Kazutora, Izana smirked. "Y'know, we're called the 'generation of brutality' for a reason. Mochi over there was arrested for 'obstructing the execution of public duty' because he beat up a cop who was trying to stop a fight. Bloodlusty, isn't he?"

"Ooh, interesting." Glancing at Izana, Hanma then asked, "But I'm more curious about why you're not targeting the killer of your brother."

"Does it matter when he's gonna die either way?" He asked rhetorically, smirking lazily. "Besides, Shinichiro is a liar."

"Haha...how cruel of you."

"Whatever." Izana then nodded to Mucho, who was exchanging punches with Inui and Kokonoi. "Mucho's crime was 'assault' because he broke the spinal cord of his opponent and gave him lower body paralysis. Kinda similar to what Rei did to Moebius and Valhalla." Then, Mucho grabbed Inui and threw him off his shoulder, slamming him down onto Kokonoi until they were both smashed into the ground. "But unlike Rei who did it with his brute strength, Mucho threw them on concrete."

"Whoa! That's judo!"

Then, he turned to Harui, who was still facing Baji and Chifuyu. "Well, I don't know the details of what happened, but since he's the leader of Hokkyokusei and Hokusei Shiki's son, I'm sure you know a few things he had done."

"Not to mention, he's a full-grown-ass adult." Hanma's grin grew wider. "Harui's always been discreet 'bout his job, and it ain't like he's sloppy enough to get caught even if he committed public genocide."

"And such is what we'll become." Izana nodded to the two brothers who were against Hakkai and Souya—the latter's arm looking broken—all while Rindou was doing a goddamn split in the middle of their fight. "Ignoring their unnecessary flair, the Haitani brothers' crime was 'inflicting injury causing death'."

"Ah, I know that," Hanma commented again. "The infamous 'Roppongi of the Ashes' battle, right?"

"At that time, the largest team in Tokyo was Roppongi's 'Max Maniacs' and their captain and vice-captain challenged the Haitani brothers in a one-on-one fight," Izana told them. "Ran took the captain out in one go and immediately went after Rindou's opponent, the vice-captain. Rindou locked his joint and Ran brutally beat his face in." He snickered. "The damage was so bad that he didn't make it."

"And that's how the Haitani brothers came to be on the top at the age of thirteen." Hanma grinned, finding this tidbit of history very interesting. "But compared to the Emerald Killer of Kanagawa, I can understand why Rei called you guys children."

"But in the end, he's still easily incapacitated." Kisaki scoffed, rolling his eyes. "He wasn't all that, after all."

"If he really wasn't 'all that' as you claim, then your attempt would've ended in his death, not just mere incapacitation." Izana's jabs made him scowl, but the older boy didn't seem to care. "Either way, no matter how much they struggle, they'll never win against us. This battle's victory belongs to Tenjiku."

Izana's words were proven true, and it was especially bad for Hakkai and Souya, who had almost never partnered together in a fight and were forced to fight against the Haitani brothers, whose combination was so in sync that they might as well be reading each other's mind.

"The fuck didja mean by if only Smiley was here? You're the one who needs to understand!"

"Back at ya, jerk! Ya rely too much on your sister!"

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