32 • Birthday Fiasco

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"I'll pull your intestines out and hang your body with it."

"I'll, uh, shit, that's actually good."

It was a hilarious sight, to say the least. Draken thought he'd do a good deed and pay Nagarei a visit, bumping into Takemichi on the way and forcing him to follow them—because Mikey was a fucking leech who liked to sleep on his back like a koala—to visit Nagarei. They expected Nagarei to be stuck in bed, groaning and moaning in pain, because that was what Draken mostly did.

So, why the fuck was Nahoya sitting all comfortable, cross-legged, on the bed, while Souya was trembling and trying so hard to blend into the dark corner of the room, and Nagarei just told Nahoya he'd what, pull out his intestines and hang him with it?

"What the actual fuck is happening?"

"Big bro is learning how to threaten people 'cus Rei said saying 'I'll kill you' is boring and unoriginal," Souya answered, looking paler than what was considered healthy. "I've been listening to threats for forty-eight minutes. Yes, I counted."

Draken actually grimaced.

"Ah, Takemitchy," Reina greeted, smiling saccharinely as if their conversation a few hours prior didn't happen. "So nice of you to visit me. Are those flowers from my shop?"

Glaring half-heartedly at the girl, Takemichi placed the small bouquet he received from Mirai on the bedside table. "I never knew just how terrifying flowers can be."

"Yes...aconite, oleander, foxglove, and larkspur, right? Mirai did a good job arranging them."

"What's wrong with those flowers?" Even Draken, someone who knew nothing about flowers, thought the bouquet of pink, purple, and blue flowers was incredibly beautiful, especially knowing it was done by a kid. "They look pretty to me."

"Mirai-chan told me not to eat, smell, burn, or touch them."

"Huh? Why?"

"They're poisonous," Nagarei answered as if he didn't just drop a bomb that had everyone stepping away from Takemichi. "Mirai said she wanted to threaten you and this is her way of doing it."

Draken had half the mind to ask what the fuck was wrong with the entire Hokusei family but decided he valued his life more, so he clamped his mouth shut. Nahoya and Mikey seemed to find the situation amusing because they were giggling like girls in love.

"Did you search the meaning?"

"No? Just asked another florist about the flowers."

"Ah, a shame." Beckoning him closer, Reina explained the different meanings of the flowers on her lap. They may be poisonous, but Reina's body was immune to small dosages of poisons, and she handled these flowers daily. "Aconite for caution, a warning. Oleander for bewitchment. Foxglove for ambitiousness and insincerity. Larkspur for respectability. It's a warning to not get ahead of yourself and disrespect what's accepted, Takemitchy."

So, it's a warning not to break the deal or she'll kill me. Takemichi deadpanned at the bouquet, wondering how a kid like Mirai managed to threaten him with flowers, of all things. Not to mention, the sweet smile she flashed at him as she shoved the bouquet into his hands. Takemichi shivered at the memory. "Don't worry. I don't plan on getting on Mirai's or your bad side."

"Well, duh." Nahoya snorted, hands folded behind his head. "After what happened to Moebius and Valhalla? Yeah, I'd like to keep my dick and spine intact, thank you very much."

"Takemitchy, you must've traumatized Mirai with your hideous clothes and trashy attitude." Mikey cackled, remembering how Takemichi dressed up like a homeless kid forced to pick up clothes from the dumpster and acted all high and mighty. It was still hilarious to remember. "You heard the girl. Be humbler."

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