54 • Empire

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While Reina expected 'headquarters' to be an abandoned office or an open space like Toman's, it was actually an average-sized building, one that was fancy by the standards of teenage delinquents. Reina would admit Taiju was smart for having this place bought just for the sake of professionalism, Kokonoi's words, not hers.

Speaking of which, Reina just realized the boy was still wearing his earring, the very same one she had ripped out with her teeth, and asked, "Did you ever get your ear fixed?"

"Nah," drawled the older boy with his tongue stuck out. "Switched it to my other ear. This one's still ripped. See?" Displaying the earlobe that was split in half, he chuckled. "You've got a mean bite, boss."

"I'm sorry for that." Not really, she wasn't. Kokonoi deserved that. If she had at least one limb unchained back then, she wouldn't have to use her teeth. But since she was all chained up and Kokonoi leaned a bit too close, Reina simply saw a chance and took it. 

"Don't be." He dismissed her apology, knowing damn well Reina wasn't even being sincere. He did deserve that, to be honest. "Rather than you, it should be us who are apologizing."

"And we're sorry." In sync, Inui and Kokonoi stopped just before they could open the front doors, bowing a perfect ninety degrees. "For kidnapping and torturing you. We're deeply sorry for it."

What they had done wasn't something that could be forgiven with just one measly apology, and they knew that. But an apology was a start, and they would start now. They had decided to choose her as their leader, after all. Regardless if she accepted that position or not, an apology was long due.

"Yeah, forgiven." Turning around, she flashed the stunned boys a small smile. "We were enemies back then. I won't hold it against you, so stand up." What they had done didn't even compare to what Shiki had done. Plus, she also gave them quite the damage, so she would consider them even. They were all kids, after all. "There are still things that must be taken care of right now."

As they walked past the other parked bikes and climbed up the stairs, Reina felt her heart beating so erratically that it would burst out of her chest. Keeping her breathing and expression under control, she followed Inui while Kokonoi followed behind her. Normally, the leader should be the one walking in front. But considering she wasn't their leader yet and this place was new to her, Inui being in the lead wouldn't be seen as rude.

"We're here," Inui informed, moving to stand behind Reina's right while Kokonoi moved to her left. "Everyone should be inside by now, but do you want us to check first?"

"Everyone?" She didn't really expect everyone to show up considering what had happened and her own reputation, as well as the fact that 'everyone' meant people who supported Taiju as well, so she wondered what made them show up. Did they think she would hunt them down if they played hooky? They do realize that the tenth generation they're in is disbanded, right?

Kokonoi snorted, chuckling slightly. "You can sense their fear through the phone. We can tame them down for you before you walk in though."

"No," she said, shaking her head. "It's fine."

It was not fucking fine because the second they opened those doors, she felt so fucking exposed. All eyes were fixated on her as the boys parted like the Red Sea. Murmurs and whispers echoed in the room, and Reina had never been so grateful for the ringing in her ears. Sure, she had mentally prepared herself for this, but maybe this was more than she had bargained for.

But this was what she decided to do, so it was up to her to raise her head and face it head-on.

This wasn't the first time she stood at the top. When Harui was hospitalized after Ryou's betrayal, she had taken over the throne. But this was different. This throne was hers and had her name carved on it. This high ground was something she got without any help from Hokkyokusei. This spot belonged to her. It was hers. Only hers.

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