155 • Preparations

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"I would like to say that family reunions with you all will either end in a disaster or someone's death."

"How observant." Reina rolled her eyes at Ran's comment upon seeing Izana and her together. "Should I mention that Izana's adopted older brother is the first gen president of Black Dragon?"

"You're shitting me."

"Shin is surprisingly lame for someone with his reputation." Reclined on the sofa in the Haitanis' living room, Izana rolled the lollipop in his mouth as he flipped the bike magazine he was reading. "Anyways, we're here because I wanna make Tenjiku next July, so you two better start working."

"Next July?" Rindou furrowed his eyebrows. "Not now? Not even this July?"

"I have my reasons."

"Mkay, then." Ran shoved a thumbs up, not prying deeper because he was only in it for the fun. "Ah, Izana. We're only gonna join the gang if our uniform is different though."

"I will literally eviscerate you, Haitani."

"Why not?" Reina asked rhetorically, smirking at the brothers. "You two rely too much on your teamwork that it'd be a problem if you got separated. Or worse, one of you got kidnapped." If they knew how Hakkai, of all fucking people, managed to kidnap Rindou from Ran, then they would hunt the poor boy down. "Having a contrasting uniform from the rest will make things easier for them. Well, easier than training to be individually stronger, at least."

"Rude. But I mean, true though." Shrugging as if it wasn't that big of a deal, Ran flashed Reina a grin. "Now, Reina, my second favorite sister from another set of sperm and egg I wish is being roasted in the deepest layer of hell." He batted his lashes at her. "Kindly lend us Yahata's strength."

Smiling brightly because this motherfucker still liked to flirt with her, Reina grabbed his face and pulled him closer. Behind them, Rindou spat his drink and Izana gagged, but she paid them no mind. She brushed her thumb over Ran's cheek, leaning down until their noses touched.

"No fucking way, Pippi Longstocking."

゚❁.。.:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*卍*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*.:。❁

"I need you to recruit someone for me, Anggita."

"Oh?" Smiling lopsidedly, Anggita placed the teapot down, sliding a glass of freshly brewed tea to the girl. "A recruit of my caliber? Who do you have in mind, Rei Rei?"

"Well, I wouldn't call him your caliber." Sipping the tea, Reina smiled. Anggita always made the best tea, so good that Reina never added sugar. "He likes money like you, but his drive is for his family, not for self-satisfaction."

"Oh? The typical 'poor guy wanna give his parents a wealthy life' Thailand ad trope?"

Snorting, Reina rolled her eyes at the question. "He's a single dad and a surgeon," she explained. "He studied narcotics but is a neurosurgeon. Ah, but he's skilled enough to help treat stab and gunshot wounds. Oh, wait. Aren't they the basics? Well, I wouldn't know."

"Ooh." Anggita whistled. "Sounds like a genius, but I dunno why you wanna recruit a medic."

"It's always good to have a skilled medic as one of my people, especially if they don't give a fuck about what I did to get that injured." Well, Akise would give a fuck, but that was because he viewed her as his daughter, and Akise loved all his children, officially adopted or not. "He'll be a good businessman with some training and experience."

It was understandable for Anggita to question her. After all, this timeline was different from the other one. Hokkyokusei has been completely demolished, so there were likely no threats to her family, and she wasn't doing anything too illegal that she couldn't just use a public hospital. Thus, the presence of a private doctor wasn't actually needed.

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