15 • Truths and Lies

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Speeding through the streets at night, with damp clothes on top of that, wasn't a good idea at all. Reina knew that, and she was sure Mitsuya knew that. But when the boy pushed her to his bike and sped away, Reina only shrugged and enjoyed the wind until they eventually stopped, and Reina was immediately ushered up the stairs.


"Thanks." Accepting the clothes and towel, Reina excused herself to the bathroom to get changed. Deciding to take the risk, she left her damp binder on and put on the white T-shirt Mitsuya lent her, thankful her binder was skin-colored. She was even luckier that Mitsuya was taller than her. Thus, his clothes were baggy. It helped hide the fact that she was wearing a binder underneath.

When she stepped outside, Mitsuya was nowhere to be found. Taking one last look, Reina stood up on her toes and began to stretch. The tension of today's execution and her reflection session at the beach was taking its toll on her. Holding the armrest of the sofa, her body moved on instinct, muscle memories redoing the routine she had done since she was a child.

Her toes ached, but they were trained. She lifted her leg, bending her body upwards until her hands could touch the tip of her stretched leg. Then, she repeated the process with her other leg. Sighing as she loosened her body, Reina stood on her toes and stretched her spine backward. When she heard someone approaching, she immediately stopped, moving to sit as if she had always been sitting.

Mitsuya walked in and slid a mug of hot cocoa onto the coffee table, and Reina took the chance to ask, "What were you doing there?"

"Was about to go home after visiting Draken, saw someone taking a dive in the sea at night."

"You thought I was tryna kill myself."

Biting his lips, Mitsuya shrugged stiffly. So what if he rushed off his bike, jacket shrugged, and very much ready to dive into the fucking sea, only to realize whoever that was had come out of the water? In his defense, normal people wouldn't go snorkeling in the middle of the night.

Then again, didn't people normally snorkel somewhere deeper in the sea?

"What were you doing there?" Despite the obvious deflection, his tone wasn't condescending. Rather, he asked out of gentle curiosity and concern. Mitsuya took a sip of his own hot cocoa, raising an eyebrow when Nagarei only ran his finger along the mug. "Do you not like hot cocoa?"

Reina shook her head, letting the heat from the cup warm her hands. "Just didn't expect you to treat me...like this, I guess."

"What d'you mean?"

"You saw the news, didn't you?" From the way Mitsuya grimaced, Reina took it as a yes. Sighing, she took a sip of the drink, a perfect mix of bitter and sweet. She was glad they had watched the news. That meant her execution was publicized perfectly, and the delinquents of Tokyo would have been warned. "Aren't you supposed to be scared to even look at me?"

Snorting, Mitsuya wanted to say that he was damn sure he wouldn't want to see Nagarei again if he didn't know the reason why he did it. "I'd like to think that I'm safe since your sister loves me and I won't do anything to hurt her."

"But you're curious, right?" When Mitsuya averted his eyes, Reina only shrugged and took another sip. "You can ask."

"You don't mind?"

"I do mind." Because she did, and would rather have her past hidden. "But I'd rather you hear the story straight from its source than a second party." But she had fucked up, and she needed to fix it, so Mitsuya's curiosity was somewhat welcomed. "Besides, it's not really a secret I'd die to keep."

"You, um, murdering your father isn't a secret?"

"Keeping secrets is exhausting." Reina shrugged again. "That's why I don't like having them. Besides, Father's murder is well known even though there are variations of it."

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