106 • The Fourth Future #8

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A blur of silver whizzed through the air, followed by a scream. Blood spilled like a waterfall, staining both the carpet and his clothes. The glass shattered even more under her feet, tiny shards piercing into her skin as she made her way toward him.

Grabbing his chin, Reina snapped his head upwards with enough force to make him wince. She glared into his blue eye, the only one without a glass shard poking out of it. "Why do you keep doing this, Haruchiyo?" Her nails dug into his skin to the point beads of blood began to smear her fingertips. "You keep tiptoeing the fucking line and for what?! You think you can do whatever you want just because I won't kill you?! Haven't I done enough?!"

"Hanagaki's nose is too deep into Nehan. I'm just disposing of the nosy rat." Despite the numbing pain spreading from his eye all the way to the tips of his fingers and even his toes, Sanzu grinned. "But I must say your eyes have never looked prettier, Reina."

Because Sanzu Haruchiyo may worship the ground she walked on, but his loyalty wasn't hers, nor would it ever be.

"Reina," Izana murmured softly, slowly pulling her away from Sanzu while glaring pointedly at Kakucho and Takeomi, silently ordering them to clean up the mess. "Hanagaki visited four places today. He won't stop, and it's only a matter of time before he'll eventually stumble into one of us. It's better to take care of everything while we're not busy with Russia yet."

Pulling her to the other end of the sofa, away from the broken glasses and the man sprawled on the coffee table, Izana wrapped his arms around her as if he were trying to shield her from everything.

Inui, Kakucho, Mucho, and Mochi had already begun cleaning the shattered glasses and blood while Takeomi and Benkei gave a hissy Sanzu first aid for his now useless eye. Wakasa, Hanma, and Kokonoi were at the other end of the sofa, the Haitani brothers standing behind them, simply watching the chaos ensue (like the Haitani brothers weren't directly involved in it).

Pushing Izana away, Reina took a deep breath and brushed the hair out of her face, putting her flawless face of indifference back on. "Ran, Rindou, take responsibility and take him to the warehouse."

"Yes, boss."

"Sanzu, what did you give him?"

"Nothing much, just Rohypnol."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Reina exhaled through her mouth. Rohypnol may not affect her anymore, but Takemichi has no history with drugs, so he would be suffering the full side effects of whatever shit Sanzu gave him because she sure as hell knew that Sanzu's Rohypnol had something else in it.

"I want him lucid."

"Of course, boss."

"And clean my fucking floor."

゚❁.。.:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*卍*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*.:。❁

The second she read the caller ID, Mirai had a bad feeling. Still, she was somewhat responsible for this, so she pressed the green button and held her phone to her ear.

"Sorry to bother you, Mirai-chan." Hinata's cheerful voice filtered through the speaker. "I was wondering if you've seen Takemichi-kun. It's already this late and he's not home yet. I asked around, and Kazutora-kun said he last saw him a little over three hours ago."

"Oh, um...you see." Feeling like her tongue had been twisted despite the mental practice, Mirai cleared her throat. "Well, Rui-nii, Aizen, and I met him near the restaurant we were supposed to eat at tonight, so we invited him in, and, uh, Takemitchy left early, um, maybe around two hours ago, so I haven't seen him."

"Oh, I see. Thank you, Mirai-chan." The woman on the other line sighed. "God, I hope he's okay. It's getting too late for it to be safe."

"Mhm. I'll ask Rui-nii to search for him."

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