After a heartfelt farewell from the first division and a little photoshoot with the Toman admins plus Reina—she was forced into the picture and Mirai was the photographer—Takemichi shook hands with Naoto and leaped twelve years into the future again, hoping this time, he really had succeeded.
When he arrived back in the future, he found himself near a shrine. Checking his phone, he confirmed that he was really back in the future. "Ah!" A grin formed in realization. Last time I was here, I was in prison! But if I'm not in jail right now...that means the timeline changed! So Hina's been saved too!
"Hanagaki-kun?" His excitement was cut short when a woman greeted him, bowing thirty degrees. "It's been a long time. Thank you very much for coming here during such a busy time. Please, this way."
Not knowing what was happening, Takemichi followed the woman into the shrine. It was only when he was told to wait in line did he realized he was at a funeral. But whose funeral? His stomach churned uncomfortably. Someone I know?
"Thank you for coming brother's"—one of the two women at the reception desk greeted when it was Takemichi's turn, tears welling up in her eyes as she paused and sniffed—"my brother' brother's—"
"Please go inside." The other girl, the one who greeted him, gestured into the shrine. It was only when Takemichi was barely within earshot that he heard her next words. "Keep it together, Mana!"
"I'm sorry, Luna."
Something clicked within him. Brother...Mana? Luna? What? Rushing inside, he hoped he was mistaken. He hoped it was just a coincidence. But when he saw the photo displayed in the funeral house—a black-haired man with an oh-so-familiar earring—he knew it wasn't a mistake.
Why is Mitsuya-kun dead?
The funeral was over before he knew it. Takemichi didn't even pay attention to anything, too busy drowning in his own panic about what the actual hell was happening in this timeline. As soon as he could leave, he immediately rushed down the streets. He scrolled through his phone, only to find articles about Mitsuya's death. It got worse when he searched Hinata's name, finding news about how she was killed in a car accident.
The same way she had died in the past timelines.
Not a damn thing has changed! Tears spilled out of his eyes as he continued to run, wondering what the hell was going on. He didn't even realize he had tripped until his face hit the ground.
"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" Banging the asphalt, Takemichi didn't care about composure anymore as he screamed his throat dry. "Chifuyu! Baji-kun! Kazutora-kun! Naoto! Where are you guys, dammit?!"
It took him a rather embarrassing amount of time—he was so damn sure he could see Reina scrunching her face up, as she did every time he cried, before handing a box of tissues over to him—Takemichi finally realized there was a key that fell out of his pockets when he fell.
"This key...goes to where I started living before I started time crappy old apartment."
It was indeed a very crappy apartment, but it smelt like home. "From a high-rise apartment to this place again." Leaning against the balcony, he scanned his apartment, not finding anything remotely interesting. Though the photo hung on the wall, the one he took before time leaping, brought a new batch of tears to his eyes.
"So here you are," someone said, and Takemichi stiffened. He wasn't expecting someone to just enter his home without knocking, but the voice greeting him was familiar, so Takemichi didn't throw anything in the direction of the front door. "I've been looking for you, Takemichi-kun." Takemichi could finally make out the stranger's face when he stepped into the living room. "My memory was overwritten...which means you just came back from the past."

Rearranging Fate | Tokyo Revengers x OC
FanfictionPretending to be a boy to keep her siblings safe was a well-constructed plan, but nowhere in it was supposed to involve meeting a group of delinquents for something other than to beat them up. Then again, would fate have allowed her to live a peacef...