172 • Battle of the Legends #1

112 10 3

Reina didn't remember the exact date when it all started, but she did remember it was in July, and she remembered another date that was crucial happening in July in the other timeline.

The day she disbanded Black Dragon, the thirteenth.

For maximum drama, Izana had suggested finding an abandoned hotel like Hotel Elizabetha, but Reina said fuck that because she didn't want to see a sea of bloodied crystals again. Yes, the chances of that happening were close to none, but she couldn't be dramatic if she was too busy hyperventilating.

The car lot used for Bloody Halloween it was.

"Never thought I'd be here as the fighter and not the spectator." Well, neither he nor Inui were there to watch Bloody Halloween in the other timeline, so Kokonoi didn't know what exactly happened in this car lot. He only knew that Reina was stabbed. On that note, fuck Kazutora. Kokonoi would remember to hit him extra hard in the head later. "That's quite the spectator we have though."

"The previous generations of Black Dragon aside," Inui said because every admin of the previous Black Dragons, from the first to the seventh, were there, along with a lot of their members. "I can't see anybody else worth mentioning."

"We've literally beaten most of them in the other timeline." When Reina said the fight would be legendary, she wasn't lying. Getting delinquents from other regions to be interested enough to come wasn't easy, but nothing couldn't be done when Kokonoi and Reina worked together. "Well, it's not like they remember, and those victories are pointless now."

Tenjiku was already present, and so was Toman. The three gangs occupied the entirety of the lot while the spectators sat around the sidelines. Kokonoi even saw Harui and Victoire in the mix, as well as Aizen, Yuzuha, Emma, and Hinata. Of course, in case anything happened, Akise and Anggita were there too. He got to hand it to them for following Reina's weird orders because he knew she didn't tell them about the whole time leaping mess.

True to Reina's words, this was the ultimate stage, and all the actors were present. In this stage, she would give an ending to this stupid drawn-out play of time and fate. Kokonoi honestly couldn't wait for that. He didn't want to get involved with time and fate anymore.

There would be no knives or guns today, but it was better to be safe than sorry. This time, Reina had eyes and ears on all three gangs, so the chances of somebody slipping a weapon into this fight were slim. There was no way she would let the mistake she made during the Three Deities War happen again.

"Oi." Taiju narrowed his eyes at the two gang leaders sitting calmly with their respective gangs. "Everyone's here now, so where the fuck is Yahata?"

"Yahata's been learning how to drive his bike up a ramp."


"A ramp, Taiju." Kokonoi looked at the eldest Shiba as if he were an idiot. "And you're the acting president for a reason, so act like a president."

The air shifted, and everybody knew the fight would be starting soon. Taiju, Izana, and Mikey stepped forward. Izana was accompanied by Kakucho while Mikey had Draken on his right. Taiju was the only one who stepped forward alone because unless specifically ordered, Inui and Kokonoi weren't his minions or vice. They belonged to Reina, and only her.

Also, to make things more dramatic, Reina's words.

"I heard Black Dragon's real leader is Yahata?" Mikey swept his eyes over the people in white uniforms—too fancy and military-like for delinquents, in his opinion—raising an eyebrow at Taiju. "What? Were those rumors wrong?"

"Oi, Taiju!" Kokonoi called out before Taiju could even answer, not even bothering to lift his eyes from his phone. "You might wanna step back. Yahata's a very shitty driver."

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