43 • The King/The Pawn

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Chifuyu groaned as his back hit the wall, not having time to think as the door slammed shut. He knew Reina didn't have much of a choice, but dammit did it hurt. Ignoring his aching back, he scrambled to his feet and rushed down the stairs.

He didn't have time to whine, the future was literally at risk.

Without stopping, he sent Baji a quick text about the situation, hoping the first division captain would proceed as planned and ask Mirai to call Anggita or something.

Cursing whoever designed the ship for making too many damn spiral stairs and hallways, Chifuyu continued to run, hoping he wouldn't take a wrong turn and get lost.

The sign told him he was on the third floor; the ballroom was on the first floor, and he was sure Reina had taken a different staircase to reach the pool.

"Oh, thank fuck!" Chifuyu skidded to a stop upon seeing a map, only to realize he couldn't fucking read it. He really should've paid attention to geography class. With a groan, he tried to make sense of the lines and keys in the picture. Briefly, Chifuyu swore he would never insult Takemichi for crying again because he sure as hell felt close to tears at the extreme pressure placed on his shoulders.

Once he managed to at least make sense of where he should go, he continued running. Finding another spiraling staircase, he rushed down three steps at a time, holding the railing to stop himself from falling.

Second floor, the sign read.

"Hokusei-san?" Chifuyu skidded to a stop, gasping for breath as he stared at the man smiling at him, his attire suggesting he was most likely a staff. "What are you doing here, sir? The main course should be starting soon."

"I"—Chifuyu clamped his mouth shut, forcing himself to smile as genuinely as possible, remembering Reina's warning to not trust anybody—"Rei and I wanted to see the view but somehow, I got separated from her." Lying was harder than he thought. He wondered how Baji was able to keep up the act throughout Halloween. "I'm a bit lost, y'see, tryna find my way back."

"If you continue straight and turn left, you'll find the stairs to the ballroom."

"Oh, thanks." Acting was also harder than he thought, especially when Chifuyu knew that the left and right stairs on the second floor led to the living quarters. Stairs leading to the main rooms were always in the middle path, that was how he memorized the map. "I'll be on my way, then."

But before he could move a single step, Chifuyu had to step back until he stumbled and fell from the fucking blade that came out of nowhere, only to realize it was the motherfucking staff who pulled out—is that a fucking sword? How did he hide it? Ah, the cleaning bag.

"Holy shit!" Chifuyu yelped, scrambling to the side before the blade could slice him into two, feeling the cold tip of the blade brush against his jaw as it cut a few centimeters of his hair. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, how am I supposed to deal with this? He knew how to win if it was a fistfight, most likely. But if it was a fight between blades, he wouldn't last three seconds, especially if he was unarmed. I'm not Rei, for fuck's sake.

"Hm, as I thought, you're not one of them." The staff—was he even a staff—hummed, lowering his sword. "Even that brat was taught basic self-defense. There's no way a sibling of Harui and Reina wouldn't know how to at least run away. They really just picked anyone up for that twin brother role, didn't they?"

What neither Chifuyu nor the staff realized was that while the staff was busy monologuing, someone had snuck up on them and shot a tranquilizing dart to the staff's neck. Chifuyu nearly snapped his neck with how quickly he turned it, sagging his shoulders in relief upon realizing who it was.

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