Bonus Chapter: Aizen x Liana Special

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"You want me to what?"

Aizen expected this, but he still sighed when Reina looked at him as if he had just told her someone had killed her snake. Still, this wasn't something he could back down on. So, he raised his head and looked at her straight in the eyes. Ignoring the way Reina looked at him as if she just knew whatever would come out of his mouth would be stupid, he opened his mouth.

"You know how Liana's favorite movie is the one with the Pegasus—"

"Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus."

"Yeah, that." It was a wonder how Aizen had watched that more times than he could count with his fingers, and he still didn't remember the full title. "You know how that movie has lots of ice skating involved, right?"

"I understand that you wanna ask Liana out while ice skating." In a private rink, nonetheless. Reina supposed it was romantic, and would support her brother. "But I don't understand why you wanna risk breaking Liana's neck when you're trying to confess."

"That's why I wanna practice."

"So, you'll break your sister's neck instead? How nice to know that I am loved."

"I'm not breaking anybody's neck, and you're the last person who's gonna get their neck broken by a fall." It didn't change the fact that what Aizen was trying to do was dangerous though. "I just, gah, Liana likes the sweet stuff boys in romance movies do, and I just wanna recreate the scene of her favorite movie."

"Lifting and twirling a girl around is romantic." Reina wouldn't deny that. "But just because you know how to punch and throw someone off your shoulders doesn't mean your twig arms can lift Liana while spinning her around. I mean, you can't even lift me."

"Which is why I'm asking you to help me practice."

"My own brother wants to break my neck for the love of his life."

"You're being dramatic."

"Oh, woe is my life."

゚❁.。.:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*卍*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*.:。❁

Just because Reina did ballet didn't mean she was a master at ice skating. She wasn't a complete disaster either since she had the balance needed, but she wasn't able to spin on the ice smoothly. At the very least, she wasn't like Aizen, who looked like he was slowly becoming one with the ice.

"You know you can just take her out to a dance or something, right?" Waltzes weren't that common, but it wasn't hard to find a place where people who liked to dance waltz could gather. Aizen could also just invite her to a ballet performance or something. "There's no need for you to break your own nose learning how to ice skate."

"Aw, c'mon." Pushing himself back on his feet, Aizen wobbled on the ice. "Akise-san is a good dad. Too good, in my opinion." He huffed, finally managing to stand still. "He took Liana wherever she wanted. Whether it be ballet performances or ice-skating rinks, she's been there, done that."

Well, it wasn't like Aizen was wrong. The Shimura family was one big and tight-knit family filled to the brim with love and care. Akise put his children's happiness above his own, and he spoiled them with love and riches. Even if Aizen were to book an ice rink all the way in Russia or Sweden, Liana probably had already experienced that.

"She's treated like a princess in her family, Reina." Of course, Reina also knew that. Whether it be her siblings or her father, everybody doted on Liana. She was a hopeless romantic who loved everything remotely whimsical and princess-like, and she was showered with love. "I gotta at least treat her like one if I wanna date her, y'know."

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