51 • Indomitable

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"He's not lying," Chifuyu informed as he peeked out the window, turning towards his fellow first division of troublemakers. "Can't make out how many but it's a lot, alright."

Even if Chifuyu didn't announce the obvious, Reina could feel the vibrations in the air that came with a rowdy crowd. Beyond the ringing in her ears, there was the very familiar sound of a crowd itching for blood. She didn't need to go outside to know that the church was surrounded. But for some reason, she wasn't feeling scared or bloodthirsty. For once, she was feeling relaxed in the presence of a huge fight.

And she wasn't the only one.

"Fine by me." Baji cracked his knuckles. "I didn't get any action tonight, so I'm goin' all out!"

"Same," Takemichi declared. "I never planned on running in the first place. Unless we crush the Black Dragons, nothing will change!"

Kazutora snorted. "You got that right." Kazutora bumped his fist against his palm. "Plus, I totally agree with Baji. We need more action!" Of course, they were just going to sweep the fact that they tortured someone under the rug.

"Haha." Mitsuya laughed dryly. "We're so fuckin' dead. I'll make sure to push each and every single one of you first division of bumbling idiots down to hell before the devil could do it just to spite y'all."

Even though Reina remained silent and impassive, she was internally cackling because she must be doing something right if Mitsuya picked up the art of insulting, or maybe the captain of the second division has always been a mischievous angel.

"RIP us." Kazutora made a cross in mocking honor of their chosen battlefield, and to probably aggravate Taiju, a strong believer in God. "At least lemme go to heaven to apologize to Shinichiro-kun before Mitsuya drops me to hell."

"What...are you all smiling about?" Yuzuha couldn't help but pull her hair at the nonchalant smiles they all had. "This is no joke! You all could actually die here!"

"If that's enough to stop them, then they wouldn't be here in the first place." Reina shrugged with a huff. Because it was true. Chifuyu had experienced a piece of her life on that cruise, yet he still chose to be her friend. The first division could've left Hakkai alone, but they chose to help him. They had been tricked and beaten, but they were still standing. "At this point, I don't think even death can stop them."

Of course, death would and could stop them. They were mere humans, after all. But for some reason, Reina felt like if it was them, then they could defy even death. The thought made her huff again.

"Sorry, Yuzuha," Mitsuya apologized instead of explaining their stupidity. "But when you said that my expectations could make people suffer, it did make Hakkai suffer."Because Mitsuya was also one of the people who got caught up in Hakkai's fabricated story. "I've got no right to be a big brother. You've been the one protecting Hakkai all by yourself, and I majorly respect you."

"Lay down, Yuzuha." Reina cracked her knuckles with a grin. "I'm not so evil that I'll steal money without finishing a job." Because Yuzuha had paid her. Even if it was a mere fifty yen, it was still the payment she had asked for.

"Plus, it really irritates me how easily someone spews the word 'love' while doing the most heinous things." Leveling Taiju with a glare, Reina finally stepped forward. "Of course, if that's what we're talking about, both you and I aren't that different."

Inui flinched at the intensity of her glare despite it not being directed at him. Reina didn't seem to pay him any mind either as she just walked past him without sparing a single glance.

"You hurt your siblings and gaslighted them into thinking it's love." People were born with love, but they were taught how to form the emotion into actions and words. Victoire taught her to protect those she loved. Father devoted his entire life and humanity to the things he loved. Harui prioritized his own love. Mirai shared hers as much as she could. Reina's way of showing love was picked up from various people and experiences, assimilating into something unique and generic at the same time.

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