174 • Battle of the Legends #3

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Weird things have been happening in Hakkai's life.

Ever since his mother died and Taiju became his and Yuzuha's guardian, Hakkai only ever knew that love was painful, as were Taiju's fists and the words he spat out. Yuzuha's love was heartbreaking and sacrificial, making it painful for an entirely different reason. If that was what love was, then Hakkai hated it more than he ever hated anything. But he was too scared and weak to do anything about it.

Then, he met Mitsuya, a boy only a year older than him who took care and raised his two baby sisters by himself. Through Mitsuya, Hakkai learned that love could be warm and kind. He learned that while sacrifices were painful, some were worth it in the name of love. He learned what a true and loving family was like, and that further made him realize just how fucked up his domestic life was.

But no matter how much he despised it, Hakkai feared Taiju more. Thus, he was never able to change. He would always cower behind Yuzuha's back, and she would always take the beatings in his stead. He could preach about how much he loved Yuzuha and how much he wanted to protect her. But at the end of the day, they were mere words, and Yuzuha would always end up hurt because of him.

Even so, his sister loved him. She would always say that what she was doing was merely her duties as his older sister, that any other sane and good older sibling would do the same and even more for their younger siblings. Yuzuha was like a hero to him, but she wasn't invincible.

Hakkai had always wished for an invincible hero to save him and his sister from Taiju.

He supposed his wish came true in the form of a grim reaper-cosplaying weirdo who called himself Yahata. Hakkai didn't think he would be able to understand emotions so well from someone wearing a full mask. But from what he remembered, Yahata was a smug and cheery guy who was brimming with anger and a strong drive for something he couldn't understand.

Now that he thought about it, he supposed his life became weird the second he met Yahata.

For one, Taiju stopped abusing him and his sister. Then, Hakkai realized that he no longer trembled or cowered behind Yuzuha's back whenever he met Taiju. Instead, he would square his shoulders and look at his brother in the eyes. It was probably because he realized that Taiju wasn't unbeatable. But whatever it was, Hakkai was grateful for it.

The weirdest part, however, was Taiju's sudden affiliation with the tenth generation of Black Dragon.

Hakkai knew that his brother had charisma and great leadership skills, but Taiju wasn't the leader of Black Dragon. It took him knowing who the other admins of Black Dragon were to realize that Taiju was affiliated with Black Dragon because Yahata was the mysterious leader. But even that didn't explain why he was willingly working under someone, even if that someone had defeated him.

Yahata was an enigma, and Hakkai had never seen him since the day he called him and his sister over to watch him beat the absolute shit out of Taiju.

"What is Yahata planning?"

"Hah? Hell if I know." Taiju scoffed, rolling his eyes as he threw some poor Tenjiku bastard he had just beaten up behind him. "That guy isn't making any sense. At this point, only Inui and Koko know what's going on inside the fucker's head."

"Should you really be talking about your leader like that?"

"We're technically on equal footing." Taiju shrugged, cracking his knuckles as he flashed the second division leaders of Toman a grin. "Anyways, I don't give a crap about Yahata, but the order was to beat up as many fuckers as I can get my hands on. So, that includes you two, Hakkai, Mitsuya."

"Your leader is literally playing uno." Mitsuya deadpanned because yes, Yahata was playing uno with Kokonoi. While Mikey and Draken were still dealing with South and Hanma had just been taken down by Inui, Yahata was still playing a stupid card game. It was infuriating as much as it was stupid.

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