159 • Rapid Development

106 9 15

Reina's full family was actually fucked up, so Baji smiled and nodded as if he understood everything, and then proceeded to forget everything. The only conclusion he reached was that Emma had a brother, who was apparently also Reina's brother, and since Emma was Shinichiro's sister, then any brother Emma had was his brother and any sister that brother had was also his sister.

And now the room was spinning.

"His brain needs some time to cool down. It happens." Shrugging as if it wasn't that big of a deal that Baji was giggling to himself on the floor, Reina blew whatever was left of the snot in her nose. "My throat hurts."

"That's because you were screaming." Deadpanning as he offered the girl a glass of water, Shinichiro sighed. He really didn't expect Reina to be able to fake a cry that pitiful. Then again, this was Reina. He shouldn't have expected any less. "Next time, just run. No need to cause a scene like that."

"You don't get it, Shinichiro." What happened was necessary. Kazutora needed to confront his father and he needed to win. The bastard gave her a chance and even if the result fully depended on Kazutora, Reina wasn't kind enough to just let it go.

Huffing because she was right, Shinichiro didn't understand how Reina's brain worked and why she thought certain seemingly unnecessary things were necessary. Still, Shinichiro wouldn't give up on trying to understand her.

"Don't call me 'Shin-nii' only when you need me, Reina." He placed his hand on her head, ruffling her hair. "And next time, don't run outside without your shoe."

"It doesn't hurt."

"You said the same thing when you cut yourself with a knife because you were distracted," Kazutora muttered from where he had been cocooned on the couch of Shinichiro's office in his shop. "I don't think anything hurts you, Rei."

"Be it so, don't go around getting hurt, Reina."

Smiling emptily, she nodded. If only they knew that she used to have a higher tolerance for pain. The scraps and cuts on her foot really didn't hurt, and neither did her profusely bleeding finger when she accidentally cut herself. But Reina wasn't sure she would be able to take a hit to the head or a chandelier shard to the face and walk them off anymore.

"You're asking for the impossible, Shin-nii."

Before Shinichiro could scold her again, Baji sprang up from the floor with a shout. The three in the office tilted their heads to his direction, raising an eyebrow as Baji whipped his head from side to side, looking at Shinichiro and Reina with his mouth hung agape.

"It's okay, Keisuke." Shinichiro smiled when Baji was taking too long. "I consider a lot of kids as my little siblings, you included."


"I can hear you, Reina." No, Shinichiro was not offended. He loved being a big brother, blood relations be damned. "Anyways, don't tell this to Manjiro yet, okay? I wanna do things at their pace, so I don't want him to know before they're ready."

"Not like Mikey's gonna believe us anyway." Leaving the cocoon of blankets, Kazutora latched himself onto Reina's back, ignoring her shriek as he forcibly brought her to the floor. "And I don't feel like sharing."

"I ain't a goddamn thing! Get off me, you fucking son of a bitch!"

As Shinichiro watched Reina and Kazutora wrestle and roll around the floor, soon followed by a very eager Baji, he learned that Reina resembled a grumpy cat; not all that cute but so fucking deadly. And yet, like most cats, she was loved.

゚❁.。.:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*卍*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*.:。❁

"It looks like Toman has nine founding members now," the black-haired boy mulled, tapping his finger against his knee. "How should we proceed, Rei?"

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