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ashton irwin hated school but he was still gonna do his project because if he didn't he would be staying back his senior year so he heads into the library with a huff because you had to use books as your resource as his teacher says and even though that's completely stupid it's whatever and he has to go to the section about astronomy and he's looking for a book when he sees a pair of gorgeous blues through the wooden shelf and freezes completely, moving books to try to see his face and the blue eyed boy notices and smiles 'can i help you with something?' he giggles and ashton cracks a sheepish smile 'no..' and luke giggles and rolls his eyes, moving the rest of the books and leaning on the shelf like ashton was 'i'm luke.' and ashton smiles and blushes because he's cuter than he thought 'ashton.' and it's later in the day and they're texting because they exchanged numbers when ashton's mom calls him downstairs because they're having their new neighbors over for dinner and ashton and luke both blush and smile when they see each other across the room.

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