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FOR genderneutralfolk BC BAE

punk (😏)! calum was leaning his forehead against the door 'baby, let me in, please..' and all he got for a response was a sniff so he sighed, running to the bathroom to grab a bobby pin before he ran back and picked the lock on the door, pushing it open to see his boyfriend crying on the bay window 'i always forget you can do that.' he mumbled and calum smiled, walking over to him and cupping his cheeks, kissing him gently 'i'm sorry,' another kiss, 'about our fight baby..' he kissed his forehead 'you're my angel.' another kiss 'and i love you so much.' 'love you too.' he whispered with innocent eyes and calum breathed of relief and smiled, sitting down before he pulled him in his lap 'wanna see what i got?' he motioned to the bandage on his forearm and michael tilted his head 'another?' 'mhm.' and he peels back the bandage and michael smiles when he sees his name in perfect cursive across his entire forearm.

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