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calum was completely in denial when he saw the red marks on luke's skin because there was just no way that this was his luke..'no. you didn't.' immediately 'no, of course not..y-you're too wouldn't, you're smarter than this..' and luke feels pangs of guilt wash over him 'cal—' 'no, t-this was just an accident, you didn't—' 'calum stop!!' and luke breaks down completely 'i-i did it okay?!! i'm sorry! it wasn't your fault i-i'm just not as strong as you think' he sobbed and calum's eyes flooded with tears and sadness 'no..' he whimpered and crushed him in his arms 'no no no..not you, not my angel..' he whispered into luke's hair as he sobbed into calum's chest and calum scoops him up, carrying him to the bathroom and ten minutes later they're in the bath with luke curled in calum's lap as he washes his arms gently.

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