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calum walked through the door of his house 'mike?' and he sees the bedroom light on and smiles, walking upstairs and he peeks in his room to see michael doing something in a sketch pad and humming to himself before he grabs a different pencil 'hey mikey.' and michael literally drops everything and scrambles to put it away under his nightstand 'y-you weren't supposed to know.' he said with wide eyes 'what? that you sketch? i'm actually amazed you've kept it from me the four years we've been together.' he chuckled, pulling the sketch book back out and michael blushes and lets him because he has to do it sooner or later and calum's mouth is open because his sketches are insanely good and detailed 'mike how come you've never shown me these?' and michael just shrugs, and tries to take it away 'oh no you don't.' and michael goes wide eyed and starts to get anxious when he remembers what's in the book and it's five minutes later when calum is crying in his arms because he found the sketch of the ring he had already ordered to be made.

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