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michael really didn't expect for something soft to jolt him from his dreams 'what the--?' and he looked to see a smiling ashton straddling him 'well i could get used to being waken up like this.' he patted ashton's thighs and sat up while he rolled his eyes 'you horny bastard. it's christmas!' and he kisses him on the lips and notices michael's excited smile and ten minutes later michael is squirming in anticipation as they do what they've always done, sit across from each other on the floor and go back and forth one at a time opening gifts and ashton grins when he's on his last one and it's his turn so he freezes completely when he opens to a black velvet box and he opens it slowly, his hands falling in his lap as he nods vigorously, before peeling his eyes up 'yeah..' and he started to cry and michael smiled 'yeah?' 'yeah!' he yelled and leaned to wrap his arms around his neck and bury in his neck and michael held him tight, and he listened to ashton's cries so he pulled back, cupping his face and kissing him softly 'i fucking love you you fuck.' ashton whispered and michael laughed, his eyes squinting and he caught him when he launched at him again and kissed his temple, feeling the ring on his finger against his neck.

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