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luke was freaking out and sobbing in his wedding room because even though the wedding was in a week he all of a sudden got scared, overthinking everything and michael and ashton and liz are pounding on the door 'luke c'mon!!! this shouldn't even be happening now!!' and michael yells 'c'mon luke!! get your head out of your ass!! you have to meet up with cal for a final meeting—' the door opened and luke looked through the crack 'what if i don't wanna marry calum?' 'don't wanna marry me!!' and luke and the rest of them peered down the hall to see his fiancé in a beanie and jeans and a green day shirt with furrowed eyebrows and he walks over, 'can you guys give us a minute?'

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'c'mon baby let me in.' he said to the crack in the door and he smiles when it opens, hugging luke from behind and leaning down to place kisses all over his cheeks 'cal that tickles..' he giggled 'ah there you are! i couldn't find you baby!! there was just this other cute blonde but, he was all sad.' he pouted and luke giggled, calum scooping him up and sitting down on the couch, placing him in his lap as he stroked his hair and luke buried in his neck, listening to calum hum outer space as he ran his fingers through his hair 'i wanna spend more time with you like this..'

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luke looked at him 'because i love you baby, but i can't help if i don't know what's happening in that pretty mind of yours' he pecked his forehead and luke sniffed, murmuring about how he was scared of the commitment 'oh the commitment huh? what's so bad about that baby?' he intertwined their fingers and luke just buries in his chest 'just think; we can do this for the rest of our lives!!' luke smiled at that and nodded, looking up and pecking his lips and maybe luke rethinks when he was all jittery when he sees calum tear up as he stands at the alter with the biggest fucking smile on his little squishy face.

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