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'i told you to stop calling, we broke up last month ethan, get over it.' michael spat into his phone before hanging up with the guy who made a bet on him because he wouldn't leave him alone and he continues down the cereal isle when he needs one on the top shelf 'uh, sir? can you get that for me?' and he can see him visibly freeze and michael goes wide eyes when he sees ashton, his other ex from a year and a half ago, but he doesn't look the same, his eyes are sunken and he's thinner and his hair is longer but he nods silently and gets it, handing it to him and michael could feel a pang of guilt 'hey ashton, h-how have you been?' and ashton wants to cry when he hears his voice 'not good.' and michael frowns 'i'm broken okay? i-i tried so hard to get over you and i just..' he looked at him 'i just can't.' and michael sighs 'ash you cheated—' 'please stop, mike.' he covered his ears as tears weld in his eyes 'stop.' he whispered and michael hugged him, burying in his chest as he starts to sob and ashton moves to hold him and they both agree for a new beginning, starting with michael moving back in.

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