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luke the jock kept it a secret that he was pretty damn smart, wanting to be humble (and because maybe he would look nerdy) so when he's sitting at lunch and stealing looks towards nerd!ashton six tables away liam chuckles 'who you eyeing?' and luke just shakes his head and mumbles a 'nevermind,' and now they're back in class when luke is sitting next to ashton when their teacher announced the partners for the project and when ashton's name is called with luke's the blonde is actually excited until he looks over at ashton, who's huffing annoyed and shaking his head at his friends, who return pitiful stares and luke's heart shrivels and it's twenty minutes in when 'okay um so we should—' 'luke' and luke looks up when ashton interrupts him 'just let me do it.' and he grabs the textbook rudely and luke is just..hurt and he sits back in his chair and looks at his fingers 'the average atomic weight of silver..oh crap how do you do that again..?' ashton mumbled to himself and after thirty seconds of confusion he hears a voice 'that would be..106.905 times 108.905 times .4800...that would be..' and he looks at luke wide eyed as he's mouthing words to himself because he's doing that math in his fucking head '107.9 amu.' and luke looks generally proud of himself and ashton just stares at him, and the bell rings, luke leaving and leaving ashton with an agape mouth.

it's the next day and luke sits back in his chair huffing because he wants to maybe..ask his crush out but maybe he thought he was fucking stupid so he sighed when he walked in and ashton puts his stuff down 'so i did some research.' and luke nods 'about you.' ashton narrows his eyes at him and luke cocks an eyebrow 'research about me?' he asked and ashton nodded 'you're number 4 in our class rank, you've gotten the highest honor role we have every semester for every year of high school, you're in all ap classes..' and luke nodded 'yeah.' he sighed 'so why do you act dumb?' luke smiled 'i don't act dumb..i just don't act smart.' he shrugged and they both get an a, and maybe ashton gets a totally hot jock as a boyfriend later on.

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