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luke sat up with wide eyes when michael came to the doorway of his bed room in his parents' house and he raises his hands in surrender 'i'm alone, i swear.' and luke's shoulders deflate and he nods, motioning him in and michael smiles a little, 'i just came to make sure you were okay--' 'i-i don't k-know.' he whispered, starting to cry for the sixth time today ever since he left calum after he admitted to cheating on the younger blonde 'he h-hurt me so bad.' he whispered and michael pulled him into his arms and coos to him for a while and when  he settles down michael murmurs to him 'luke, just...really think about this...i've never seen him so upset and he wouldn't--i don't think he wouldn't of confessed to you if he didn't love you..' and he left the room and left luke thinking.

calum never knew he could cry so much but he decided he deserved it and it's been a week since luke left and he takes another swig of beer and another drag with a blade on his wrist as he let out another sob but then a mutter of 'shut the fuck up you prick.' about himself but he hears the doorbell ring and sighs, wiping at his eyes and ruffling his hair, wrapping a towel around his arm and trudging to the door, keeping his arm out of view and his eyes fill when it's luke 'i..i um--' calum gulped 'i-i'll let you g-get your stuff..' he whispered and luke shook his head.

'i will not.' 'huh?' 'i've thought long about this and i just--i know you love me, i love you back, and i were drunk..' and luke keeps talking and calum is starting to feel a little dizzy so he clenches his eyes 'cal..a-are you okay?' ' i'm fucking n-not okay..' and luke rushes in and cups his cheeks with his hands as he started to sway a little and luke looks to see the towel on his arm and he gasped, dragging his ass to the bathroom and that night they both fall asleep with new promises and little smiles.

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