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michael hadn't been out in a while and calum wanted to stay home and michael hugged him and kissed him gently when he left, murmuring an 'i love you baby..' before leaving but he's in the car when he laughs at himself for forgetting his phone while he just arrived at the club so he drives back, since it's ten minutes away and he walks in the house, hearing sobbing down the hall so he furrows his eyebrows and walks toward the sound, stopping in his tracks when he saw depression medication on the counter and his eyes sadden because that's why he didn't want to go out tonight so he comes into the bedroom and scoops him up from the floor, calum cuddling in his chest when he sits down 'why didn't you tell me?' he pet his hair and calum sniffed 'b-because i thought you'd leave..' he whispered and michael pouted 'i'll never leave baby; and i'll always be here and michael never went out that night.

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