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michael had spent these last two weeks crying his way around his flat because ashton left, he's gone, he doesn't know where and he misses him so much and he's about to go and shower but there's a knock on the door so he opens the door and there he stood; his curly haired boyfriend that couldn't meet his gaze with his frail looking body and he sunk to his knees before michael could even gasp, ashton's arms wrapping around his legs as he sobbed into his thighs 'i'm so sorry..' he choked out, 'baby.' he begged 'please' and michael helped him up, his own tears making it blurry and he pulled him in, ashton stopping his crying as michael continued and ashton's heart sunk 'where did you go?' he sobbed, burying in his chest 'do you trust me?' 'with my life.' and ashton winced, laying his forehead on his 'i have two massive cuts on my back baby, please don't be scared.'

michael turned him around and ripped his shirt off, gasping when he saw the open skin in two sections parallel to each other, surrounded by other burns and welts and cuts 'a-ash' he looked so small and frail and ashton turned to look at him 'trust me..please baby.' and he sighed, cupping his cheeks 'i'm so sorry, this is all my fault,' and michael shook his head in confusion 'do you believe in angels?' and michael blinked before nodding 'like wings and a h-halo?' he hiccuped and ashton nodded, looking at his lips 'a-are you an angel?' and ashton looked at him 'i was..' and michael's mouth opened and closed 'what i heard..if you fall for a human--you--' 'i get beaten and my wings ripped out.' he whispered and michael gaped and ashton prayed that the hatred in his eyes wouldn't come but it didn't at all, michael cupped his cheeks back 'i-i'm so sorry.' 'i knew the consequences, two years ago i knew the consequences; they just caught on now, but i wouldn't trade you for all of heaven .' he whispered and michael smiled, kissing his lips before he dragged him to the bathroom to fix his wounds.

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