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'bye!! good seeing you!' calum closed the door and all he heard was a squeak so he turned, seeing ashton run away 'oh no you don't you little shit!!' he smiled and ashton giggled and squealed as he chased him and they run around their house and outside for a while because before the guests came ashton had pelted calum with water balloons but he never got him back so ashton is panting against the side of the pool-house when he's pinned against it 'got you.' he whispered and ashton squirmed, escaping his grip but calum caught him again from behind and kissed all over his cheeks 'cal stop!!' he giggled and squirmed and the next thing ashton knows he's over calum's shoulder giggling and calum throws him in the pool, jumping in afterwords when ashton resurfaces 'hey!! it's cold!!' he whined, pouting and calum smiled, pulling him in by the waist and kissing him softly 'god i love you.' and ashton giggled before splashing his face and hopping out 'try and catch me hood!!' but calum just smiles because he's never been so happy.

**def my fave ive ever written

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