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michael hated sports and exercise but right now he was running as fast as he fucking could with his father's screaming behind him because michael's had enough of the abuse, it's too much and he sprints three blocks away before he pants against a tree and sobs, shakily taking out his phone 'hey baby what's up?' ashton answered and went wide eyed when he heard a sob, scrambling to sit up in bed because it was 11 pm 'a-ashton p-please come pick me up p-please..' 'baby..settle down, what happened?' 'as-ashton please.' he sobbed and collapsed against the tree 'okay okay..' ashton choked, throwing on clothes 'where are you?' and michael sobs the address and it's ten minutes later when michael sees headlights and a figure rush out of the car and michael jumps into his arms sobbing 'ashton..' and he breathes into michael's neck 'i got you..i'm here it's okay..i'll protect you.' he whispered, carrying him back to the car.

michael woke up in the middle of the night to light sniffles and wet drops on his skin and he looks down, seeing ashton and how his face is hovered over his stomach that was littered in bruises 'i'm so sorry baby..' he whispered, breathing shakily before placing his lips on one of them carefully, still not knowing michael was awake and he continued to kiss his bruises, tears plopping onto his skin as his sniffs turned to sobs because michael had told him about the abuse 'i-i'm fucking sorry..' he whispered and set his head down on the unbruised area of his stomach, which wasn't a lot, and michael reaches and strokes his hair and ashton starts to sob more 'it's okay.' he whispered and ashton nodded, sitting up and hugging him tight 'i love you so much.'

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