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ashton was practically falling asleep in history because even though it was an advanced class it was so easy and all of a sudden the teacher's phone rings and he jumps, calum and michael laughing at his surprise and he scowls at them ''re being picked up right now.' and he furrows his eyebrows but complies, and he's walking to the office when he sees a head of blonde hair in camouflage and the books he was holding dropped out of his hand 'l-luke.' and the blonde smiles at him and ashton starts to sob, falling against the lockers and sliding down them and luke rushes to him and picks him up 'i-i missed you s-so fucking much..' he sobbed and luke smiles, his eyes watering and he lays his forehead on ashton's because he hasn't seen him in almost a year and a half, and last talked to him five months ago 'i m-missed you.'  ashton repeated 'you don't have to miss me anymore baby..' luke whispered and kissed him softly.

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