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michael couldnt help but stare at the blonde boy next to him at the all time low concert because he was so so pretty and he was going to say something, when he caught himself, his insecurities washing over but the blonde smiles, looking at him from the corner of his eye 'you can talk to me ya know, i won't bite.' and he looks at the red haired boy and giggles when he blushes 'sorry.' 'for what?' and michael just shakes his head and exhales 'hi i'm michael, i think you're gorgeous.' he said, smiling when a blush dusted the blonde's cheeks ''re smiling..that's good right?' he mumbled the last part to himself but the blonde heard, giggling 'i'm luke and i also think you're gorgeous.' and they talk during the show and somehow luke, the smaller boy by a long shot, ends up in michael's arms as they sway to therapy and michael's chin is on his hair.

the concert is coming to a close and for the last song michael put the blonde on his shoulders because he was so light and luke couldn't help but already be in love with this boy and they decided to walk out together when luke turns 'um..' luke smiled 'yeah.' michael sighed contently  and they both blushed 'i um..i really had a good time.' luke said and michael smiled 'me too.' and they exchange numbers but michael ends up at luke's house two hours later with a makeout session against the wall but is then pinning him on the bed 'look, i do want more than a fuck.' he panted and luke smiled 'me too..but right now..?' 'you got it babe.' and luke smiles into their kiss.

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