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luke was blind and had the amazing opportunity to get a procedure to fix it and he's about to get wheeled into the operation room when his hand is grabbed and kiss is placed on his temple 'i love you..i'll be waiting for you to come back out.' and luke turns his head in the direction of michael's voice and smiles before michael cups his face and kisses him and it's two weeks later and luke is ready to take the bandages off and they're all crowded in the room and it's silent when the doctor takes them off and luke blinks, looking down first and he gasps when he can actually fucking see and luke looks at everyone who's screaming and crying and starts to cry himself but he looks completely to the left side of the bed and glances to see a gorgeous boy with red hair 'no, i don't wanna look, i'll start crying more.' he cried, covering his eyes and michael smiled and laughed, 'baby..' and luke slowly looks at him 'michael.' and he hugs him around his neck and sobs while michael sobs into his shoulder blade because they're both happy.

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