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'are you sure?' 'y-yeah.' luke choked when ashton sucked on his neck again 'hmm don't sound too sure.' and ashton knew that that was luke's weakness, that pet name, 'ash, i have t-to go to school.' he whines, trying to fight out of his arms and ashton smirks against his neck before pulling back 'kitten..please stay home today.' he whispered into his ear before playfully pulling on his earlobe 'stay home and play with me..c'mon kitten be good for da—' 'OKAY THATS IT!!' ashton laughs loudly before luke straddles his waist and glares at him 'don't use that against me.' and ashton smirks and rolls his eyes 'alright kitten..' and luke huffs a fine, leaning down to kiss him softly and ashton pulls away and mumbles against his lips 'daddy's good boy.' and he smirks when luke moans.

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