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when ashton's cousin suggested for him to buy a hybrid because that's the only kitten he wasn't allergic to he considered, and he seriously does when he sees the boy with blue hair rolling around with the other kitten hybrids, watching him giggle as his tail swayed softly and all of a sudden the woman walks into the room where the hybrids are kept and she calls the boy's name, ashton seeing his blue head turn and his cheeks blush and ashton smiles, going to the room where he's about to meet him but michael had adhd and a little stutter and he was really nervous because he never had someone interested in him before and he's padding quietly to the room with lou, and she sighs in front of the door and looks at the boy smiling, kissing his ears 'be yourself, he'll love you.' and michael blushes and nods slightly and she opens the door and michael's ears flatten as he blushes and he walks in and ashton never thought he'd end up getting a kitten boyfriend two years after.

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