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what if michael was really famous off youtube for the same reason as shane dawson, just a funny entertainer with millions of subscribers so he's walking around target buying things for his newest video when he hears his own voice and turns, seeing a blonde boy giggling at his youtube video and he smiles when he hears his giggle again and he literally pulled a halsey, running up and tackling into a hug from behind 'YOU'RE WATCHING MY VIDEO HI.' and luke turns and goes wide eyed 'holy shit!' and the two talk (at least luke tries to but he's blushing and smiling so much) for a while before michael has to leave, giving the boy his number and asking him out which luke shakily says yeah to, and the next week later michael posts a video 'hey guys!! it's michael and i feel like you guys haven't seen me in a while.' luke smiled at his phone 'so..' his phone rings and he checks it, before it cuts to a clip of him texting 'sorry, met this cute and funny blonde but ANYWAY' and luke smiled and blushed before he got a text 'please come over i'm boreedddd :(( xx'

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