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okay but what if ashton was american but luke was australian and they were bored one day in their flat so luke decided to go shopping, dragging his cuddly boyfriend along and ashton is just so tired so he clings onto him and luke is giggling at him 'ash, c'mon, i have to get new thongs..' and that's when ashton wakes up 'what?' 'thongs, ya know..' and ashton just stares at him with wide eyes and luke is confused when his eyes darken 'okay, yeah, i uh...didn't know you were into that' but luke just smiles and nods 'not that many guys wear them here but, whatever..' and ashton is so excited and when luke gets to the thongs it hits ashton like bricks because thongs mean flip flops in australia so he's pouting and he blushes when luke asks what's wrong but he stammers an answer and luke smiles when he catches on 'you thought..' he got closer, grinning and ashton is blushing 'american thongs? like girls' underwear?' and ashton nods sheepishly but groans when luke licks and kisses his neck 'ah, babe.' another groan 'i gotta get those too.' and he walks away, ashton catching his breath before realizing 'wait what?!' and he chased after him.

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