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'c'mon ash!!!' 'if you want it you have to get it' michael hated being short, he was a premature baby so some growth things were fucked up and he was almost a full foot shorter than his boyfriend and he just wanted his fucking book back, but ashton held it wayyy above his head with a smirk so michael sighed dramatically, deciding to play the card he rarely pulled, making his lips a frown and pulling on his sleeves, and he walked to the bedroom with his head down, laying down under the covers, and curling into a ball and ashton comes in with furrowed eyebrows 'baby?' 'what?' he asked, somewhat smirking when he could hear the guilt in his voice and ashton walks over, kneeling on the side of the bed and pushing his hair out of his eyes 'i didn't mean to hurt your's your book--' and michael snatches it and squeals, jumping out of bed and running away 'GOTCHA!!' 'GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!' he laughed, chasing him.

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