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*my little cousin was watching descendants on disney and it's about daughters and sons of villains and heroes and i got an idea :))

michael was maleficent's son, with purple hair and big green eyes but nobody was afraid that his mother was one of the most viscous villains, it was actually the opposite, everyone bullied him so he kept his head down, rushing through the halls while people laughed and he bumps into something hard, falling and he looks up, gasping when he sees prince luke, prince (now king) charming's son, who bent to help pick up his books 'hey, you okay?' he asked and michael blushed, nodding a little and luke smiled, helping him stand and michael clutched his books 'hey, you''re maleficent's son aren't you?' he asked with a smile and michael nodded tentatively, looking down 'aww, well you don't seem so evil' he grinned at him, nudging him before walking away and michael looked at him longingly because he's always had a crush on him.

'mate, stop undressing luke with your eyes.' calum chuckled as they ate lunch, he was jafar's son, and michael blushed 'sorry..' and calum grinned 'mikey what's the matter?' and michael explains how there's no possible way that he could be with luke, even if calum is with ashton, belle's son, and michael is about to argue back when there's a tap on his shoulder and he turns, and he blushes when he sees luke and hides his face in his hands when he smiles 'so you like me?'

michael didn't know what to say but he figured that it was stupid to lie so he nodded shyly, about to walk away when luke catches him 'i think you're cute..but i know there's a lot more than just that.' he said softly, his eyes kind 'let me get to know more than just cute,' he smiled and michael never thought that luke would fall in love with him as deep as he did, and he definitely didn't think he would end up being married to the blonde.

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