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'are you sure you're okay?' and michael hummed and nodded but he's been acting really weird and ashton nods but keeps his eyes on him, seriously nervous and it's quiet and ashton is back to his book until michael looks up from his phone 'do you like my hair?' and ashton looks up and nods before he looks at the new fire red locks 'i actually really love it..brings out your eyes' he smiled, before his eyes fell back on his book 'you do?' ashton smiled at his soft voice and closed his book 'yeah, why?' 'just wondering..' michael leaned his head on his shoulder 'just..getting hate about it, i look more gross with this color—' 'bull shit.' and michael sighed 'ash—' 'no, mike, shut up. i like this color and you look hot.' and michael sighed 'thanks, baby.' and he nuzzled in his neck.

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