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luke felt like crying his pretty blues out until they were shriveled like blueberries because ashton was giggling and blushing but no, not at luke, at liam payne who kept nibbling his earlobe but then turning away and acting like he didn't or whispering cute things and it was sickening, luke had liked ashton for years and liam just took that away from him because of luke's shyness, 'hey ash, do you wanna go out on a date tomorrow?' but before ashton could answer luke stood 'liam! no—i-i thought..i thought we agreed...?' luke looked at him with pleading eyes because liam had known his crush well 'luke you were never gonna make a move anyway!!' 'y-yeah..i was gonna eventually—' 'you'd be six feet under by then!!' luke clenched his fists in frustration as his eyes weld 'what the hell is going on?' and liam and luke just stare at ashton 'luke has a—' 'shut the fuck up michael.' he kicked him lightly and the red haired boy sighed and luke looked back at liam and ashton 'just..forget it..ash i know you've liked him for years..' he whispered, letting a tear drop before he walked out.

this is the end or you can read the happy ending

ashton had an agape mouth for a minute before he bolted out of liam's hold and ran after him, hearing his sobs through the door 'lu?' he asked softly 'g-go away ash.' he sobbed 'lu, c'mon.' and it was a few moments before ashton heard shuffling and the door opened enough for luke to look through with half his face 'what ash? please..i-i just wanna be alone—' he was about to close the door when his foot stopped it and he grabbed luke's face, kissing him softly and luke melted completely, humming and ashton smiled into it before pulling away 'i've like you for years.'

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