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when michael mumbled sleepily into the phone ashton felt so guilty for waking him, murmuring a nevermind with a sniff and michael woke up a little more, asking what happened but ashton just replies 'i had a nightmare, i'm sorry mikey..i love you, goodnight.' and michael sighs when he hangs up, rolling out of bed and he drives to ashton's half asleep and uses the spare key and he walks in his room to see his boyfriend clutching a pillow trembling and he looked up 'mikey..i'm so sorry..' 'you're perfect baby..' he kissed his forehead and slid under the covers and ashton laid down, letting michael pull him to his chest 'you should just move in with me baby..' he mumbled, kissing his hair and ashton clutches his shirt 'really?' and michael hums and they start moving the next day.

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