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luke being mute had its ups and downs in life but michael didn't care, he thought it was actually cute but when luke is sitting alone in their room, he turns his head and his eyes go wide when there's the biggest spider he's ever seen and of course he can't call michael's name so he runs out mentally screaming and he sees a red head on his couch and runs, jumping on his lap and burying in his neck and michael gasped 'holy shit you scared the hell out of me!!' and luke is fucking trembling and michael frowns, wrapping around him 'hey baby what's wrong?' he whispered and luke grabbed his hand, michael watching as he traced s-p-i-d-e-r and then he chuckled 'alright lukey where is the spider' and five minutes later luke is pale in the face when michael flushes it down the toilet and maybe the two have to squish onto the couch that night because of luke's arachnophobia and michael isn't sleeping without his baby.

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