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@Melany353 i made one lashton

'what? n-no, of course not..' luke peeked around the corner of his living room, because ashton had left in the middle of their movie night to take a phone call and luke smelled suspicion 'what?! oh my god no, no i am n-not hanging out with him; he's--he's a fucking freak.' and luke's mouth dropped open at his boyfriend's words, and his eyes drifted down to his skirt, and tears came to his eyes as he fumbled with the edge of it and he swallowed back a sob, or a scream, he didn't know which, as ashton slung a few more insults before hanging up and turning, seeing his boyfriend clutching the edge of his skirt and trembling and his heart drops to his stomach 'luke, fuck, i--' 'i think you should leave..' he looked up and met ashton's eyes and ashton's heart shattered 'baby, please i-i--' 'please, just go.'

ashton had spent the rest of the weekend crying and charging his phone six times because he called and texted luke so much without a single response and he's walking to math, the class where luke sits next to him and he walks in, his heart shattering even more when luke was in guy clothes, black jeans and a black sweatshirt with black converse, and no perfume, only cologne and no makeup either, just sunken eyes and hollow cheeks and ashton sits down 'what're you wearing?' he whispered, voice cracking and luke looked at him, before looking down and shrugging, shifting around because he always hated these clothes but for the rest of the day luke is mute to everyone, even to his best friends michael and calum and for once luke returns to his own house after school and ashton showed up at luke's door with wet cheeks and andrew answered, making it twice as awkward and tense and he glared at ashton 'so,' and ashton swallowed, looking down 'how are you, son?' and ashton just looked up 'you can beat whatever you want out of me, but let me see him after it, please..'

luke is changing to his clothes thirty minutes later when the door is flung open and ashton is thrown in, coughing up blood and his face is bloody and bruised and his wrist looks close to broken and suddenly everything escapes his mind and he runs toward him, helping him up 'what the fuck?!' 'your dad..' he coughed and luke is seeing red but ashton cups his cheek 'i-i let him, okay?' and luke sighs, dragging him to the bathroom and he makes him sit on the counter and he's fixing his wrist and cuts and ashton's other hand is playing with the edge of luke's skirt 'i always liked this one.' and luke blushes, scoffing 'doesn't seem that way.' and ashton sighs, biting his lip 'ya know, i get that it's embarrassing--' 'it's not--' 'i know it is, okay?' ashton looked at him 'but you didn't have to act like you hated me--' 'after you left school today i ran around telling people we were dating.' and luke looks up with wide eyes and ashton cracks a grin and luke thinks that they'll be okay.

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