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calum furrowed his eyebrows when the doorbell rang and slipping away from the mirror, he walked and opened it, chuckling 'luke, what're you doing? you live here.' 'well, hood.' he leaned against the doorway 'on our old dates i'd always pick you up so i'm pretending to do just that for this one.' and calum rolled his eyes and with a few door-openings and pulling out chairs and cheek-kissing on calum's blushing ones they were finally at dinner and luke is a little nervous now, biting his lip and calum giggles at him as he chewed 'you okay?' and luke nods 'just tired. long day.' and calum shrugged, totally buying it and after dinner luke takes him to the diner where they met and have been going every sunday for six years, and the waitress smiles when they walk in 'my my, look at you, still remember when you two were little 17 year olds' and they smile, luke placing a hand on his back at they lean against the diner's bar and luke orders two coffees, then looking at calum with fond eyes and calum blushes 'what?' 'you're just..pretty.' he whispered and calum smiled, and he feels his hand move from his back and looks, jumping back when luke was blushing on one knee 'calum--' 'FUCK YES YOU FUCKING TWAT!!'

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