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michael was on a class trip in italy and was having the best time and him and calum and ashton decided to explore verona by themselves so they didn't have to deal with the history lectures and annoying teachers and they're walking and laughing when michael hears a soft guitar and looks, seeing a blonde boy only focused on his guitar and michael swears he's never seen so much skill in one person so he throws a twenty in his guitar case and the blonde glances at it and smiles, focusing back on his guitar 'grazie.' and michael smiles, murmuring it was no big deal in italian and the blonde looks up with bright blue eyes and stops playing, completely freezing as he stares at michael because he's never seen something so beautiful so he gawks 'mike!! c'mon mate!!' 'okay!' and he's about to walk away when the blonde grabs his hand so he turns, watching as he brought his knuckles to his lips and kissed them softly, slowly, and michael blushed, 'ciao bello.' and michael smiled and luke watched in awe as he walked away.

michael didn't see the blonde boy for two days but god he wanted to because there was just something about him and he's walking around by himself this time, which probably wasn't smart but he didn't care, ashton and calum were back at the hotel making out so..but he hears the same guitar and smiles, looking around until he sees him and walks over and this time he's singing but he does the same thing, looks up and stops playing completely, and michael compliments his playing but luke blushes and they talk for a bit and luke asks if he's from verona but michael answers he's from america and the blonde has literal heart eyes the whole time.

it was michael's last day and michael spends it with luke, not telling him it was the last day because the three weeks he has known him have been amazing but he cuts him off 'luke i-i have to tell you something' and the blonde nods because they started speaking in english instead of italian two weeks ago because michael could understand better 'it's my last day here.' and luke's eyes bulge 'n-no, it can't be.' and michael nods 'no, bello no.' he whispered, grasping his hands and making them hold him face 'i'm sorry.' michael said, kissing him softly and luke looks like he's about to cry 'mio bello..' he whispered and michael lets a tear go down his face as he rests his forehead on his but it isn't the end, because after four months of long distance michael is getting off his plane and knocking on a door and it opens to luke, who falls to his knees when the boy, his muse, tells him he's moved to verona.

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