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ashton was tired of hearing he was whipped for calum even though he knew it was slightly true because ashton's sitting with his friends in the living room and they had asked if he wanted to go out the next night but ashton said no because it was their three year anniversary so they started with the jokes again but they tell him to prove it, prove you aren't whipped when he gets defensive so he calls calum in, 'yeah?' 'i'm going out tomorrow.' and calum furrowed his eyebrows 'i thought we were staying in for our anniversary--' 'jesus calum, i can go out with my friends when i want, stop acting like my mum.' he smirked and calum raised an eyebrow 'excuse me?' and ashton rolled his eyes 'i have better things to do tomorrow.' and calum scoffed, walking away and ashton can feel the pit of guilt in his stomach because what did he just do.

his friends leave a few minutes later, and ashton walks into the kitchen where calum is dumping out pasta into the garbage 'what are you doing?' and calum looked up and smiled and ashton shuddered at its sarcasm 'well i made this for you but, i'm not your mum so i don't have to make you dinner.' and he glared at him, crashing the empty pots in the sink and brushing past him and ashton sighed 'babe,' 'ohhh no irwin, don't you babe me right now, go fuck yourself.' and ashton grabbed his wrist when he went to turn away 'baby, i'm sorry okay? i didn't mean anything--' 'get your paws off me.' he snapped and ashton let go, he had never seen calum so pissed 'go have fun with your friends tomorrow you asshole, i'll hang out with luke and michael tomorrow, because you're way too man enough to.' and he grabbed his phone and his keys and his wallet and left the house with frustrated tears, leaving ashton sitting alone for the rest of the night and the next whole day regretting everything.

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