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punk! calum had only fallen and stayed in love once, with the small blonde boy from down the street, luke hemmings, and they had been together for so long and that was shocking for everyone, calum had always been the one night stand or friend with benefits type of guy, but that changed four years ago and right now calum was leading his boyfriend down the street while he covered his eyes because he had a surprise for him 'calum what're we—' 'i told you it was a surprise kitten, be patient.' and luke smiles and giggles, modding and calum takes his hands off, luke gasping 'oh my god.' because there was graffiti on the wall of the alley, of angel wings full of detail and color 'y-you like it?' calum asked and he smiled when luke nodded 'cal..' he touched the wall 'you did this?' he looked back with an awe filled expression and calum nodded and smiled 'they're your angel wings.' and luke furrowed his eyebrows but he smiled when calum explained 'you're my angel, but i can't see your wings, so i painted them.'

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