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calum woke up when he reached over in his sleep and his arm hit the mattress so he sat up sleepily, realizing ashton wasn't there but it was still dark out so he threw on a jumper and padded around, trying to find his husband and he's about to just call him when he hears sniffing from their daughters room, and calum peeks through the door to see ashton cradling the little one year old in the rocking chair and calum could see the tears running down his face against the moonlight 'love you so much, pretty girl..' he kissed her forehead 'i'll always protect you..' he whispered and calum's eyes soften and he smiles a little but ashton breathes shakily 'i'll always protect you and daddy, yeah?' and calum walks in quietly, ashton trying to hide his tears 'hey cal, why're you up?' 'why're you?' 'she was crying.' and calum raised his eyebrows and smiled 'baby, why're you really up?' and ashton sighs, the tears starting again as he explained that he had a nightmare where they were taken away and the three fall asleep in the rocking chair.

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