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ashton squealed when he saw the familiar light shine through his window and he ran to it, watching his boyfriend appear on the balcony, his white wings curling a little and his face blushing in pink, shyness washing over him as he taps on the window and one hand is fumbling behind his back and ashton opens his windows, kissing him softly and calum melts, his wings drooping the slightest and he steps in, folding his them into his back and ashton asks what he has behind him and he blushes again, pulling out the whitest rose ashton had ever seen and calum murmurs 'it's from heaven..' and ashton smiles, taking it carefully and calum stays for the rest of the day before he kisses him softly and leaves, ashton's mum poking her head through the door a minute later 'hey, how do you feel?' and ashton sighs 'sad.' and she sighs 'today's a year, ya know..' he whispered, and her eyes fall upon the rose in his fingertips 'ash..w-where'd you get that? you haven't been out all day--' 'he brought it to me, mum..' he whispered, looking up at her with teary eyes and a small smile, 'it's been a year, but he isn't gone.'


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