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michael hadn't been doing well in school, his dyslexia started getting bad again so he was stressed and practically mute to everyone, even to calum, nothing but a few shrugs and nods or frowns or hey, i love you, and goodnight, never a smile or lit up eyes or an energetic attitude so he comes home one day ready to fucking break and he sees calum on the couch, his back towards hima nd he finally whispers 'you said something about an online dyslexic school..?' and calum turns around, furrowing his eyebrows but then he sees the tears on his face and softens, motioning him over and michael walks over and falls into his lap, nuzzling into his neck and calum sighs, wrapping his arms around him 'getting picked on again?' and michael sniffs, nodding and mumbling that his dyslexia was keeping him from learning as well because it was so hard and calum kisses his hair, 'this online school is only two hours a day, you'd get to be home with me more.' he smiled and so did michael because calum didn't work (he was rich asff) so he nodded, wiping his eyes and leaning over to grab his laptop.

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