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ever since calum had been deployed into the military a year ago luke had taken self defense in case something ever happened because he hated being alone and he's sleeping one night when he hears a rustle from downstairs and he sits up, hearing it again so he grabs the bat that he kept under the bed and walked to the top of the stairs, hearing footsteps running around and he walks down the stairs 'get the fuck out!' and as he screams that the lights turn on and he swings the bat, a hand catching it with the fastest reflexes and luke looks up to see his husband who smiles with tears in his eyes 'you trying to kill me baby doll?' and luke drops the bat with wide eyes and sinks to the floor sobbing and calum goes with him, pulling him in his lap 'oh god..' he pressed a kiss to the blonde's hair and he inhaled his smell 'oh god i missed you so much, oh god, oh my god so much, you could ask the guys in my bunk to describe you and it'd be spot on.' he mumbled and luke let out a teary giggle and he hugged him tight, kissing him gently and murmured how he missed him.

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